Blue Hill Peninsula Maine Coastal Vacation Rentals Tapley Farm
Discover the best Maine vacation rentals for your next trip right here
Discover the best Maine vacation rentals for your next trip right here
At Maine Coastal Vacation at Tapley Farm, we have been providing top-quality vacation rentals for families and individuals for over a decade. Our rentals are located in one of the most beautiful places in the world, and we pride ourselves on our experience hosting guests and in their enjoyment here.
We offer a wide range of vacation rental properties to suit every need and budget. From a cozy beachfront Boat House, rustic Barn and 2 charming Apartment suites we have it all. And all of our properties are meticulously maintained to ensure your comfort and satisfaction.
In addition to our exceptional vacation rentals, we also are on site to make your stay as enjoyable as possible. Available to help answer questions or share more information about our property and area.
An exceptional historic coastal property offering a peaceful and gracious chance to be part of a time gone by.
Our property is an old family saltwater farm that the Tapleys built in the mid 1800’s and have been in since. At the foot of our road at the Bagaduce River was the Wasson Wharf and shipyard. There was a blacksmith shop, a caulking shop, ship’s store, sawmill and shipyard. Our aunt, Kath, can remember seeing sixteen schooners and ships under repair at the wharf in 1916. You could literally walk down the road and get on a ship to China. The long way!
Three things will strike you when you are here: the dark, the air, and the quiet.
You are on an island in the middle of open fields, surrounded by water. Fields where you can pick blueberries mid-summer, and water you can wade in.
We have four opportunities for your enjoyment: a rustic barn that sleeps up to five, set back from the water which is accessible by meander through the field, a studio apartment for two, and a waterfront converted boathouse for a couple to getaway, and the new Heron Suite for two,a literal stones throw from high tide, and a hefty throw at low.
Check out this great video
Let us help you get ready for your getaway!
The Barn: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/108157?source_impression_id=p3_1705690808_jwbSp%2Fvq6aYWz8at
The Boat House:https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/8846864?source_impression_id=p3_1705705930_nfJ4Br%2BedRRYrph7
The Captain's Apartment
Heron's Apartment
173 South Wharf Rd
603-714-5272 or 207-326-9541 Please leave a message or book on links above email at Tapleyfarm@proton.com